Three questions for... Katie Hunt


How can experiential retailers rethink the customer experience in the coming months as stores start reopening? And how can they make use of  ‘play’ and ‘imagination’ as assets to master the current and nearterm retail challenges? On our fifth episode of ‘Three questions for…’ I sat down (virtually of course) with Katie Hunt, Co-Founder and CRO of Showfields, to gain deeper insight on how experiential retail will evolve and why consumer behaviors today are better aligned than ever for DTC retail. 

Taking the in-store experience of Showfields and creating “magic online,” as Katie put it, is no easy feat. However, with live-shopping experiences, hosted by eclectic experts (from art to wellness) streamed on their site, they created an experience that sticks with consumers - a tactic they now plan to continue for the long-term. Prior to the pandemic Katie said,  “we looked at our metrics in the vain of foot traffic,” and now the goal is to “create the most exciting and elevated experience for less people (200 per day), with in-depth tours.” From custom facemasks to cleaning teams that are actually actors putting on a broadway style cleaning ‘performance’, Katie thinks the options for playfulness and imagination are unlimited in creating this new elevated experience.


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